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Thank You and Here’s Your Impact!

THANK YOU!!!! Because of your generosity, we hit our goal and raised over $100,000 for 2019!! “Thank you” barely begins to cover our gratitude. Because

Charitable Giving in the Holiday Season

Charitable giving can be an incredibly beneficial component of healthy family life, and many families engage in philanthropy together. Whether they attend church or a

Introducing Ethical Storytelling

Ask someone who they are. They might tell you about their family, their home, their dreams, or their fears. They might tell you about where

Stories That Mean Something

Ever since I read Justin Dillon’s book A Selfish Plan to Change the World, I’ve been struck by this quote: “When some charity organizations use

A Selfish Plan to Change The World

Today, we are excited to share with you a newly released book! Lauded as energizing, infecting, exciting, and inspirational by personages ranging from Kevin Bales

ACT Impact Report

We have been partners with and financial supporters of The ACT Center (Children’s Advocacy Center) in Chiang Mai, an organization dedicated to helping child victims