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Dressember 2019

Did you know that wearing a dress could contribute to the fight to end human trafficking? It can, when it’s part of Dressember! We’re excited

How Acceptance Turned Her Into A Leader

Meet Daw* Daw is a bubbly, confident and engaging seventeen-year-old. She stands out amongst her peers in the leadership development program as a great entertainer

Donating Your Tax Refund?

Have you ever frittered away your tax refund on things you can’t even remember, only to wonder later where it all went? Are you looking

Thank You and Here’s Your Impact!

THANK YOU!!!! Because of your generosity, we hit our goal and raised over $100,000 for 2019!! “Thank you” barely begins to cover our gratitude. Because

Changing Attitudes on Family Violence

Khae, one of our counselers, was invited earlier this year by local government to meet with 100 women who were all leaders in different villages.

What Your Donor Dollars Accomplished

If you’ve ever wondered what your donation has contributed to, here is just a snapshot of what we have been able to achieve together! 2018