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Donating Your Tax Refund?
February 15, 2019

Have you ever frittered away your tax refund on things you can’t even remember, only to wonder later where it all went? Are you looking for some feel-good ways to spend or save your tax refund this year? Consider donating some (or all!) of it toward making a positive change in the world!

Here’s what your contribution can do:

  • $60 pays for 4 girls club meetings, building resilience, fostering mentorship and strengthening relationships between peers.
  • $100 pays for a “3-3-5 training,” which helps prevent child sexual abuse and spreads awareness of how to spot abuse, support a friend who may have experienced abuse and report abuse.
  • $300 helps fund a month of home visits, providing support, care and mentorship for students, particularly those facing stressful circumstances.
  • $600 will pay for a math or English Tutor for the year.

If you donate a portion of your tax refund to The Freedom Story, you’ll know that your dollars are going 100% directly to protecting vulnerable children from exploitation, and that you’re helping to create a world where traffickers no longer have anyone to exploit. Donors receive regular updates on how your dollars are making an impact in the life of vulnerable children and empowering them against exploitation and traffickers, so you can keep track of the progress.

Simply go to our GIVE page, fill out the form, and click “Donate Now.”

And of course, charitable donations may be tax deductible, so be sure to hold on to your receipt!

Not Sure You Want to Donate Your WHOLE Refund?

Here’s a great suggestion:

“Divide your tax refund into thirds: spend some, save some, and give some. That way, everybody wins.” (Idea from Donate Africa)

It’s a great way to have some money put away responsibly, contribute to good in the world, AND still have something nice and fun for yourself!

And you can rest assured that you did something important to help reduce trafficking and exploitation in the world.

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