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Bring Back Our Girls!
May 9, 2014

Get Involved


By now you’ve likely heard about the 276 Nigerian girls who have been abducted from their school in Chibok by the terrorist group, Boko Haram. We here at The SOLD Project would like to express our solidarity with the families, neighbors, friends, activists, political leaders, military personnel, and organizations committed to bringing the girls to safety, and bringing the terrorists to justice.

Soon after news broke of the kidnapping, my Facebook feed lit up with people posting about this happening and why didn’t anybody care? Then there were articles like this one wondering whether “hashtag activism” could possibly be effective.

Well, we’re here to make clear: WE care. Activism matters. Cynicism is the easy response. But let’s not point the fingers of blame at each other. Direct that anger where it really belongs: at the terrorists and the politicians who give them safe harbor. Stay positive and let’s shine the world spotlight on them so bright there’s no where to turn. Let’s make it so no brothel will dare help them, no john will dare abuse a single girl, and so no state would offer protection.

Let’s make it so there’s no choice but to bring the girls home to safety.
