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The Story of Win

Peals of laughter erupt from the upstairs offices at The Freedom Story Foundation just outside of Chiang Rai. The work they do is serious but

A Word From Our Graduates

Earlier this month we had a wonderful celebration for our graduating students with food, flowers, games, and parents were invited to join as well. We’re

Growing Hope

“Every single student interviewed reported increasing levels of hope in direct correlation with the amount of time spent as part of The Freedom Story (and

Determined to Follow Her Dream

Nan’s story begins when she was 12 days old. Her parents left Northern Thailand and moved to Bangkok to find work, leaving Nan to be

8 Ways Parenthood is Social Justice

“Parenthood is social justice. It’s the greatest form of social justice. As parents we are able to provide things to another human being who can’t

Best Reads: Articles on Trafficking

It would be nearly impossible to compile a comprehensive bibliography of all the articles written about trafficking children, or humans more generally. Over the past

On Trauma and Healing in Poverty

When people think of poverty, trauma is not always the first problem that comes to mind. However, research has repeatedly shown that the two are

Impact: Transforming Educational Opportunities

Did You Know…? that 47% of 15-year-olds attending village schools in Thailand are functionally illiterate? While Thailand continues to grow in productivity and opportunity, certain