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Growing Hope
April 19, 2018

“Every single student interviewed reported increasing levels of hope in direct correlation with the amount of time spent as part of The Freedom Story (and family). They reported that their level of hope increased as they spent more time connected to The Freedom Story. This was true even for the students who have faced significant obstacles while participating with The Freedom Story.”

“Dr. Anderson-Hinn says that, ‘to increase hope in a child at-risk is a great achievement, but to do so in every child you impact, including those who face additional stressors and obstacles, is to achieve something phenomenal, something worth replicating anywhere possible.”

excerpt from The Freedom Story’s 2015-2016 Social Impact Assessment

If you want to join us in helping to grow hope for children at-risk, please consider a gift. Donate your support today!

Photos by: Kelly Reynolds
Photo subject
: Nan, a student who has been with The Freedom Story from the beginning. To learn more about her story, check out this piece!

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