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The Overlooked Victims of Trafficking: Families

Anti-trafficking intervention and aftercare services tend to be almost exclusively centered on the victims, which seems natural, understandable, and correct. What this overlooks, however, is

The Limits of Awareness Raising

When anti-trafficking organizations first started thinking about what prevention might look like, the biggest component was awareness-raising. The idea was to reach as many people

A Positive Spin on the Data Problem

Back in 2020, there was a huge surge of social media interest around child sex trafficking when people were sharing numbers about missing children that

Kids As Traffickers

When we think of child trafficking, we generally assume the trafficker is an older adult who preys on minors. That has typically been the case,

The Stakes of Trafficking are Rising

Trafficking is already a horrific, damaging, and traumatizing experience. Unfortunately, there are dynamics in play now that are making it worse – not just in

Manee’s Story

Today, we’re telling the story of one of our current scholarship students, Manee*. Freedom Chapter memberships provide the funding for scholarships for Manee and the

Check Out Our Latest Video!

As promised, we’ve got an exciting new video we’d love to share with you. This animation is about Arisa*, one of our scholarship students. Take

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