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Justice Conference Asia

The SOLD Project’s President, Rachel Goble, recently had the opportunity to speak at The Justice Conference Asia, in Hong Kong. We’ve asked her to share about

Prevention Through Communication

This past weekend we held one of our regular Parent Meetings, where we invite families to come with their students and participate in our communal

Why We Support University Students

When asked why The SOLD Project supports university students, I was at first taken aback. The question seemed to come from the point of view

First Heroes

Who was your first hero? First Heroes are often a parent, care giver, grandparent, relative, or someone else you consider family. They are special people

Did You Hear the News?

First, The SOLD Project made its mark on National Geographic this week, catching headlines on their Killing With Kindness campaign to highlight organizations helping others all

How’s Their Story Going to End?

A guest post by Christine Rose, SOLD Project Bay Area Representative and Volunteer. Don’t you hate predictable endings? None of us enjoy a movie where

Seasons of Smoke and the Collective Damage

From the Field Every year from around February through April, farmers in South East Asian countries start burning through brush—it’s an effective way to fertilize

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