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Talking With Survivors

40.3 million people are trapped in modern-day slavery. 403,000 on any given day in the U.S. We generally don’t focus on these kinds of statistics

Trafficking and the Tech Industry

We’ve written before about the rising influence of and risk in social media with children like our students, who might use it to find friends,

Looking Back: the TVPA

This week marks the 19th anniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA). Enacted in 2000, this piece of legislation introduced the U.S.’s legal definition

How Lucky We Are to Have Luck

“Teaching at-risk children psychology is an important part of prevention.” – Luck Pii Luck (as the students call her) has been using her degree in

How Coercion Works in Sex Trafficking

The stereotypical image we have of a child sex trafficking victim is something along the lines of coercion through extreme force: a young girl being